As your Executive Director, I take great pride, honour and a sense of professionalism representing yours and the Associations best interests. I take these qualities to every meeting and they can be found within everything I prepare for this membership. One of the questions that I usually receive when speaking to members or non-members, especially from students and some of the younger members is, “What are the benefits of membership within the Association?” Below is a list of some of the benefits…….
Job Circulations – Our members receive job circulations by some of the best employers across Canada and these employers come to us first, as they know we have the largest contact list for Planning Technicians across this country.
Representation – CACPT has been the recognized voice for Planning Technicians since 1978 or for the past 35 years! We are THE advocate for Planning Technicians across Canada and are part of school advisory Committees and interact with governmental representatives for our members.
Code of Ethics and By-law – We have an established Professional Code of Ethics and By-law, which the Association maintains and adheres to in a professional manner.
Branding – We have recently rebranded to a more modern and professional logo. Our logo and designation conveys to employers that we are certified graduates from an accredited school, we have met the full membership criteria of the Association and we are professionals that assume responsibility for our work.
Designation – Our designation is now one of the compulsory criteria by employers when hiring Planning Technicians. Job circulations now ask for Planning Technicians to have this designation when applying for positions across the country.
Networking – Our Professional Development Conference and Annual General Meeting, as well as upcoming workshops, socials, forums and social media provide opportunities for members to interact with one another and learn from each other.
Continued Learning and Development – Our conferences, workshops, newsletters, surveys and website provide our members continuing education and knowledge that pertains to our profession and fellow members across the country.
Awards & Recognition – Our awards of excellence, tenure and merit awards, as well as bursaries recognize employers and members for their outstanding work and dedication within our profession and Association.
I have exciting plans and initiatives for our Association and anticipate the above list will continue to grow and enhance our membership privileges. Therefore, when considering the payment of yearly membership dues, please contemplate the aforementioned list and know that it’s always better to “stay connected”.
George T. Zajac, CPT, MCIP, RPP
Executive Director