Attention Alberta Members:
Please save the date of October 16th, 2015 for our Alberta Workshop from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Edmonton, Alberta at the Knowledge Center, 2nd Floor, HSBC Building, 10250 101 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta.
The workshop will be on Infill Development and have keynote speakers experienced in recent infill developments in Alberta. Refreshments will be served and there will also be a social afterwards.
It’s a great opportunity to learn more about a current planning topic of interest, as well as network with your fellow Alberta members.
Registration will be limited to 40 members and Registration Packages will be sent out soon to those interested, as well as found on our website. If interested, please e-mail
Another great way to “stay connected”.
George T. Zajac, CPT, MCIP, RPP
Executive Director, CACPT