All Members:
Hopefully, you are aware our 2016 annual AGM and Conference is coming up on October 21st in Hamilton, Ontario. Our theme this year is “Let’s Meet Downtown”, which will focus on the revitalization of the City’s downtown, as well as Gore Park. It should be an informative and exciting day for all of us, as well as a great networking opportunity.
One of the ways we pay for the Conference every year is sponsorship from our supporters. We have attached this year’s sponsorship letter and form, as well as our Merit Awards form. The Merit Awards applications should be submitted no later than October 1st, 2016.
We thank you for your consideration of this request and would like to note that as in previous years, we will have a Showcase Area for any displays by our sponsors.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support and Registration Packages will follow shortly.
George T. Zajac, CPT, MCIP, RPP
Executive Director, CACPT