CACPT Members,
Our 4th Annual CACPT Alberta Conference & Workshop is set for Friday, October 4th, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. at the World Trade Centre, Edmonton, AB (#600 – 9990 Jasper Avenue). This year’s theme is “Municipal Plan Development: The Time Is Now”. Attached is the Invitation and agenda for the day. Registration, as well as payment, can be made at the below link.
As provincial and federal planning legislation becomes more intricate, Municipal Plan Development for both Urban and Rural communities becomes more important for local governments and agencies.
Join us for an afternoon of discussion on this important topic, as well as a fun networking opportunity with your colleagues.
Registration and payment can be made through our website at the below link:
Western Conference Registration
Once again, thank you to our Western Chapter, including Dan Boric, Ben Misener and Justin Young for all their hard work on co-ordinating another great day for our western based Planning Technicians.
‘Stay Connected’,
George T. Zajac, CPT, MCIP, RPP
Co-Executive Director, CACPT
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