Our membership spans the country and grows each year. We represent over six-hundred full, associate, and student members.
Benefits of Membership
Job Circulations
Our members receive job circulations by some of the best employers across Canada and these employers come to us first, as they know we have the largest contact list for Planning Technicians across this country.
The CACPT is the recognized voice for Planning Technicians since 1978, or 40 years! We are the advocate for Planning Technicians across Canada and are part of school advisory Committees, interacting with governmental representatives for our members.
Code of Ethics and By-law
We have an established Professional Code of Ethics and By-law, which the Association maintains and adheres to in a professional manner.
Our logo and designation conveys to employers that we are certified graduates from an accredited school, we have met the full membership criteria of the Association and we are professionals that assume responsibility for our work.
Our designation is now one of the compulsory criteria by employers when hiring Planning Technicians. Job circulations now ask for Planning Technicians to have this designation when applying for positions across the country.
Our Professional Development Conference and Annual General Meeting, as well as upcoming workshops, socials, forums and social media provide opportunities for members to interact with one another and learn from each other.
Awards and Recognition
Our awards of excellence, tenure and merit awards, as well as bursaries recognize employers and members for their outstanding work and dedication within our profession and Association.
Continued Learning and Development
Our conferences, workshops, newsletters, surveys and website provide our members continuing education and knowledge that pertains to our profession and fellow members across the country.
Membership Qualifications
Student Member
Annual Fees: $40
A student member is a person who is enrolled in a recognized Planning Technician program.
Notice: Student members do not have the right to vote or hold office.
Associate Member
Annual Fees: $180
An associate member is a person who:
- is qualified as a planning technician but has not completed the work experience requirement of Council for certification as a full member, but has surpassed the requirement for student members and contemplates applying for full membership when eligible; or
- by training, experience or occupation has a direct interest in the field of planning technology, but does not meet the full experience or academic requirements for full membership (at the discretion of the Registration Board.)
Notice: Associate members do not have the right to vote or hold office.
Full Member
Holds CPT Designation
Annual Fees: $240
A full member is a person who:
- is a graduate of a recognized Planning Technician program with a minimum of two years technical planning experience; or
- has a planning related university degree, plus two years of relevant technical planning experience (at the discretion of the Registration Board); or
- is a non-graduate or has graduated from a program other than a planning technician program, but has a minimum of six years of relevant technical planning experience (at the discretion of the Registration Board); or
- is a graduate of Seneca College’s Sustainable Planning and Development part-time certificate program and has a minimum of three years relevant technical planning experience (graduates with at least six (6) months of full time employment in a related field can submit this as experience that will count towards the three years technical experience required, at the discretion of the Registration Committee).
Notice: The work experience in all cases may include a maximum of six months of full-time student co-op employment.
Retired Member
Annual Fees: $30
A retired member is a person who has previously held membership in the CACPT and wishes to stay connected with the Association, who is not engaged in relevant planning activities for gain, who has applied to be placed on the retired list and has been accepted as retired by resolution of the Council.
Retired members enjoy the same privileges as Full members, including the right to vote, hold a position on Council, and participate in Committees.
To become a retired member, please fill out our Application.